Tour Screening #1 a Success! Next event? Twin Cities at 4pm Today!

A big thanks to Arboretum Co-housing in Madison, WI. We had a great "double feature" screening of YERT and Within Reach -- a five hour extravaganza of sustainable adventures. It was most fun to hang with Within Reach filmmaker Ryan Mlynarczyk, and also to see that we visit so many similar places but picked mostly different ones to feature in our film. Near-perfect dovetailing! The photo shows everybody who was still there after all 5 hours. :-) We also sold several DVD's and received a few generous donations, which will help propel us along the road without starving!img_1630_arboretum_cohousing_450w.jpgWe're currently on the road driving to Minneapolis, MN, for our 4pm screening of YERT at Moss Envy, owned by our friends Tina and Ryan (who we met and filmed on the original YERT road trip). Then we'll be staying overnight with Tony and Brenda Kvale. Thanks to all of them for helping to get the word out - we can't wait to see them again in person! (Screening is at 4pm today at Moss Envy, 3056 Excelsior Blvd, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416)The road trip is going pretty well so far-- and we are doing a new version of the "One Shoebox Garbage Challenge." We're now trying to keep the garbage down to ONE CARGO PANTS POCKET. So one pocket of garbage for nearly 2 months of road tripping. I have been trying to coach my road-trip co-traveler, Brendon, on the rules of the road for keeping garbage down to a minimum. He's done a great job working with them, but his coffee habit ultimately led him to create the very first piece of garbage on the road trip: a raw sugar packet. You can see him owning up to it in the photo below, as he places the paper garbage into the little baggie we're using to store (we hope) all garbage for the road trip.img_1628_firstgarbage_450w.jpgMore open road ahead. Trying to make the most of the carbon we're spewing into the atmosphere along the way by having as many screenings as possible all along the way. Check out our spreadsheet here to find upcoming screenings. Tomorrow we'll be screening in Fargo, ND!Signing out,Mark


YERT Screens in Vancouver, BC on Sunday, 2/26 + More tour news!


Saturday Double Feature - YERT & Within Reach!