Saturday Double Feature - YERT & Within Reach!

Madison Wisconsin, 4:30pm-9pmyert_withinreach_poster_m.jpgFREE ADMISSSION!People are encouraged to bring food for themselves, or something to share if they really feel like it.YERT (Your Environmental Road Trip) (trailer at are filmmaker friends of ours whom Ryan met early in the Within Reach journey. They are on a national screening tour with their now completed movie and they want to do a double feature of our two movies as they are very compatible messages.Here's a synopsis of YERT: 50 States. 1 Year. Zero Garbage? Called to action by a planet in peril, three friends hit the road - traveling America with hope, humor…and all of their garbage - to explore the good, the bad, and the weird across every state in search of the extraordinary innovators and courageous citizens who are tackling humanity's greatest environmental crises. As the YERT team layers outlandish eco-challenges onto their year-long quest, an unexpected turn of events throws the project for a loop in this award-winning docu-comedy. Featuring Bill McKibben, Wes Jackson, Will Allen, Janine Benyus, Joel Salatin, David Orr, and music by Ben Sollee, Daniel Martin Moore, Mark Geary and more.About the documentary film "Within Reach": This inspiring film by Mandy Creighton and Ryan Mlynarczyk suggests that "community is the secret ingredient in sustainability." Creighton and Mlynarczyk returned to the United States from Central America after serving with sustainable development organizations bound to hold on to the lessons of simplicity and community they had learned but struggled to do so as they built careers.After digging deep, they sold their possessions and biked 6500 miles around the US, looking for a sustainable community. This film is about what they found along the way. (and Bill McKibben is in this film too!) Check out the trailer at Cohousing is proud to sponsor the viewing of these exciting films.The showing will be Sat. Feb. 11, 2012 in the community room at Arboretum Cohousing, 1137 Erin St. Madison, WIYERT will be selling DVD's (a great way to support them!)Within Reach is still in post-production and the movie is not the final version yet so no DVD's will be for sale. (IT WILL BE A NEWER VERSION OF WITHIN REACH NOT YET SCREENED)After each film, there will be brief Q&A's with the filmmakers.Let's share what we are doing in our lives, or wish to do in our lives, to build community, and live more sustainably.


Tour Screening #1 a Success! Next event? Twin Cities at 4pm Today!


YERT's West Coast Screening Tour BEGINS