Dear YERTians,

We're on a roll with festival acceptances and new screenings! Take a look below for details...

  • The CA Premiere of YERT at the Roxie in SF
  • Lexington, KY Premiere - TONIGHT!
  • A Fiesta of Festival Acceptances
  • Pittsburgh Premiere and Overflow Screening on Sept. 20 AND Sept. 21
  • YERT Film Screening at Mother Earth News Fair, PA
  • Join Yes! Magazine for No Impact Week
  • Host a YERT Screening!
  • Seeking Outreach Volunteers

The CA Premiere of YERT at the Roxie in SF
One of our long-standing favorite national sustainability organizations, the Bioneers, is co-hosting this event with a brand new favorite of ours, the San Francisco Green Film Festival. The whole thing will take place on Oct. 11, 2011 at the famous Roxie Theater in downtown San Francisco, and Ben will be there with bells on for Q&A and general merriment. Invite your friends to our Facebook event and don't forget to buy your tickets here. The screening and Q&A will take place from 8:45pm to about 11:00pm at the Roxie Theater, 3117 16th St., SF, CA.

Lexington, KY Premiere Tonight!
The YERT film will be screening TONIGHT, September 14th, at 7pm in the Worsham Theater of the University of Kentucky student center: 404 South Limestone St., Lexington, KY. The screening will be followed by Q&A with Director, Ben Evans. You can find parking at 409 South Limestone.

A Fiesta of Festival Acceptances
As you can see from the laurels at the top of this e-mail, we're pleased to announce a bunch of new festivals that the YERT film has been accepted into. We have over 18 screenings planned around the country during the next month, possibly one near you! Check out our screenings page for more details and our calendar of events. And don't forget to tell your friends and family to go see the YERT Film in their area! Here's a quick reference list of events coming up through the end of October:

(click each for details or here for full calendar)

*Mark attending for Q&A
**Ben attending for Q&A
***Mark + Ben attending for Q&A
°Mark or Ben for videochat Q&A

Pittsburgh Premiere and Overflow Screening on Sept. 20 AND Sept. 21
We're filled to the brim with reservations for the big Pittsburgh Premiere of YERT on Sept. 20, so we've opened up an Overflow Screening the very next day, same time (7pm), at the Homewood Library Theater. You can still try to get a seat at the Sept. 20 event by signing up on the waiting list here, and we'll let people in in order of their appearance on the list. Alternatively, you can go see it the next day in Homewood (just a few minutes from Chatham) and be guaranteed a seat. Wait list and Overflow Screening reservations must be made via this form. Feel free to contact if you have any questions.

YERT Film Screening at Mother Earth News Fair, PA
This is an event you won't want to miss. The planners are expecting more than 8,000 people and it is happening right outside of Pittsburgh, PA. The Mother Earth News fair is a hands-on festival of sustainability activities, speakers, events, and one feature film screening: YERT! Twice! That's right, we're screening at 11:00 AM on both Saturday 9/24 and Sunday 9/25 at the Utne Reader Stage. Mark and a team of helpful volunteers will be there for the event, including a Q&A with Mark after each screening. Check out the website for the Mother Earth News Fair to see their massive calendar of events.

Host a YERT Screening!
We are working to build the team and infrastructure to enable thousands of community screenings around the world during the next couple of years, but in order to do that, we need your help! Are you involved with a community group in your area that might enjoy a screening of the YERT film? We'd love to help you make that event happen. Each of our screenings to-date have sparked the creation of several more screenings, so once we get this ball rolling it'll grow and grow -- but we need your help getting those initial sparks launched! Sign up today at our screening page.

Join Yes! Magazine for No Impact Week
Our friends and long-standing supporters at Yes! Magazine are contributing 250 current editions of their magazine for attendees at YERT's Pittsburgh Premiere. They are also teaming up with the No Impact Project for a week-long experiment in low-impact living called No Impact Week, starting on Sept. 18! Over 30,000 people across the planet have participated in the experiment, and YERT encourages you to do the same. For more information about how to get involved, click here.

Seeking Outreach Volunteers
Our team of outreach volunteers is growing, but we still need more help! Would you like to spend a couple hours each week as an outreach volunteer? Click here to sign up and we'll follow-up with you by e-mail and phone. We particularly need active grass-roots development in these states: PA, CA, AZ, MN, TX, GA, and IN. Sign up today!

We're certainly feeling the wave of enthusiasm build for the YERT film, and we'll be keeping you updated on how it all flows in these very full months to come. Don't forget to join the conversation on Facebook, and we'll write again soon!

Ben, Mark, and Julie

--- NEW Quotes from YERT's Louisville Premiere ---

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about this film since I went to the premiere. And isn't that what an excellent film is supposed to do? Buckle up and let your three guides take you on a journey of discovery, enlightenment and hope. It's smart, funny and a must see. If you can't find this movie near you, demand your local theaters show it. Spread the word!" - Amy Fernandez, Louisville Premiere

"It's visionaries, like you guys and the people in your film, who will see to it that our future generations become empowered to live happily and enjoy life like no other generations have. I'm on board now, after seeing the film, even more than I've been because anything else other than sustainable just doesn't seem real." - Ronnie Hager, Louisville Premiere

"Wonderful! Couldn't stop talking about it the next day (and the next, and the one after that...). We need inspiration like this to remind that that change IS possible." - Noelle Tennis Gulden, Louisville Premiere"

A still from the YERT Film motion graphics. Click image to enlarge.

Solar Roadways Co-Founder speaking at PennState 10/3/11


Media Advisory: Pittsburgh premiere of YERT environmental documentary set for September 20 at 7 p.m. at Chatham