For use through September 20, 2011Contact: Mark Dixon412-204-6098mark@yert.comPittsburgh, PA - “Your Environmental Road Trip (YERT),” an award winning documentary from Pittsburgh film maker Mark Dixon and Louisville’s Ben Evans, will have its Pittsburgh premiere on Tuesday, September 20 at 7 p.m. at the Eddy Theater at Chatham University. The screening will be followed by a discussion with the filmmakers.Tickets to the screening are limited, and a donation is requested. Reservations are required, and can be made online at Your Environmental Road Trip celebrates the American spirit in the face of adversity, and is a unique docu-comedy profiling the courageous and creative individuals, groups, businesses and leaders of this country who are tackling the greatest environmental threats in history. It features the travels of Mark Dixon, Ben Evans, and Julie Evans as they covered 50 states in one year and virtually every environmental issue coast to coast. With a blend of humor and depth, the film features such luminaries as Bill McKibben, Deepak Chopra, and members of Congress – as well as ordinary citizens from all walks of life.Inspired by the legacy of hometown environmental hero Rachel Carson, YERT’s adventure launched from the Rachel Carson Homestead just outside of Pittsburgh on July 4, 2007. One year later, Mark, Ben, and Julie (and their new baby Bailey), were joined by supporters for a homecoming party at the Rachel Carson Homestead.The September 20 screening is hosted by the Rachel Carson Institute in the School of Sustainability and the Environment at Chatham University. Sponsors include Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future (PennFuture) and its Black and Gold City Goes Green, Three Rivers Solar Source, and Breathe Easy, Stay Healthy campaigns. Additional sponsors include Tree Pittsburgh, the Allegheny Group of the Sierra Club, Venture Outdoors, Transition Pittsburgh, 3RiversBioneers, Evolver, Grow Pittsburgh, Sust-Enable, Peaceful Gathering of Hands (P.G.H.), and the Pittsburgh Student Environmental Coalition (PSEC). Parkhurst Dining Services will be providing complimentary light refreshments.Clips and more information about the film are available at


A Fiesta of Festivals and News from YERT


YERT Screening w/ Ben TOMORROW in Springfield, IL