YERT's Newsletter for January 2013

Dear YERTians,

Hopefully you're enjoying the early days of 2013, particularly during the holiday season we're emerging from. The YERT train keeps moving forward, and we're happy to bring the latest updates to you...

  • We Still Need Your Help on Netflix
  • Upcoming #ForwardOnClimate Rally 2/17
  • Our Top Picks from Green Headlines
  • YERT's DVD Launch Party Online and Free
  • Plan YERT's Spring Screenings Now
  • Watch the YERT Feature Film Online On-Demand

We Still Need Your Help on Netflix
Turns out that it isn't as easy to get onto Netflix as we hoped, but the good news is that we still have a chance-- we just have to keep the pressure (i.e. DVD queue requests) coming fast and furious. You've been VERY responsive to our previous calls for Netflix support. Can you keep the love flowing a little longer? Once we're over the hurdle and get in there, then the Netflix recommendation engine will hopefully get the film (and all the ideas IN the film) out far and wide. More details here.

Upcoming #ForwardOnClimate Rally 2/17
Climate action groups from around the country, particularly (featured in the new release of the YERT feature film) are gathering as many (living) bodies as possible in Washington DC to tell President Obama in no uncertain terms that we will not accept another four years of foot dragging on tackling climate change. From the march's website: "On Sunday, February 17, thousands of Americans will head to Washington, D.C. to make Forward on Climate the largest climate rally in history. Join this historic event to make your voice heard and help the president start his second term with strong climate action." The more people who attend, the stronger the message. Mark and Ben will be riding there on busses full of activists from Pittsburgh, PA and Louisville, KY, respectively. Can you hop on a bus, too?

Our Top Picks from Green Headlines
If you've been to YERT's Facebook fan page lately, you might notice we've started sharing a regular stream of favorite articles from around the world-- those we feel relate to YERTy topics in a particularly compelling way. Here are some of our (and your) favorites from that collection...

YERT's DVD Launch Party Online and Free
We had a blast at our online DVD launch party event in December 2012. Tons of guests and lots of interesting conversation, including a live interview with Solar Roadways Co-Founder, Scott Brusaw. We've put the whole event up online in a three hour video. Watch it all here. To save you time, you can find when the people you want to see most show up in the list below:

0:06 - Joylette Portlock, Environmental Activist, Creator, "Don't Just Sit There, DO SOMETHING!"
0:17 - Justin & Seth, The Extraenvironmentalists
0:46 - Jeremy Seifert, Director of Dive!
1:02 - Derek Alan Rowe, Editor/Producer of Within Reach
1:33 - Jeff Biggers, Author & Huffington Post Columnist
1:52 - Elisa Beck, Sustainable Monroeville, Schwartz Living Market
2:06 - Jay O. Sanders, Actor & YERT Narrator
2:12 - Doug Close - McHenry Transition
2:26 - Scott Brusaw, Inventor of Solar Roadways
2:54 - Special appearance by YERTbaby Bailey

Plan YERT's Spring Screenings Now
Our 2013 calendar is starting to fill up with YERT screenings all around the country-- particularly around Earth Day/Week/Month. If you'd like to have either Ben or Mark visit to host your screening of YERT, now's the time to get it on the calendar so that we can be sure to accomodate your event -- something we'd love to do! Click here to plan and purchase your screening.

Watch the YERT Feature Film Online On-Demand
You can now visit and watch the YERT film for just $4.00 in the U.S. and Canada. It's that simple. It even works on a ton of devices: PC/Mac/iPad/iPhone/iPod/Android. If you are inspired to spread the word, we hope to make it a little more worth your while by offering a 10% referral fee for all paid views that you refer. Just check out the "Share" button on the Distrify player for more information. Click here to watch right now!

That wraps up another edition of the YERT newsletter. Thank you for sticking with us through all these years, and don't forget to check out the latest latest news at our Facebook page.

Enjoy your January!

YERTfully Yours,
Ben, Mark, and Julie

Our work is supported when you watch or screen the film!
Click here to host a screening.
Click here to watch the film online right now (PC/Mac/iPad/iPhone/iPod/Android).
Click here to buy the official DVD featuring all kinds of goodies - now 35% off.


Check out YERT's new Screening Guide!


Help us convince NETFLIX to carry YERT