Dear YERTians,

And here we have a brand new update on the latest YERT events! Read on for details...

  • Pittsburgh Premiere on Sept. 20!
  • YERT is an Official Selection at Southern Appalachian Int'l Film Festival
  • A GREAT Louisville Premiere
  • Premiere Planning in KY, PA, CA, TX, NY, OR, WA, DC, and Europe
  • Seeking Outreach Volunteers

Pittsburgh Premiere on Sept. 20!
We are delighted to invite you to the Pittsburgh Premiere of the feature documentary "YERT: Your Environmental Road Trip" on Sept. 20th, 7pm at the Eddy Theater at Chatham University. The screening will be followed by Q&A with the filmmakers Mark Dixon and Ben Evans. (Reserve your tickets here.) If you haven't heard, Mark actually LIVES in Pittsburgh, and Ben has spent many months here starring in various shows at City Theater. And it just so happens that the entire YERT road trip launched from the Rachel Carson Homestead just outside of Pittsburgh, so we're thrilled to be premiering in a city we can truly call home. This event is generously hosted by the Rachel Carson Institute in the School of Sustainability and the Environment at Chatham University. This event is also sponsored in part by Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future (PennFuture) and their Black and Gold City Goes Green, Three Rivers Solar Source, and Breathe Easy, Stay Healthy campaigns. The Allegheny Group of the Sierra Club has also signed up as a sponsor of the premiere. We can't wait to see you at this very special event!

Ticket reservations for the Pittsburgh Premiere are essential and seats are filling quickly. Reserve your tickets here:

YERT is an Official Selection at Southern Appalachian Int'l Film Festival
Our latest film festival acceptance has come from the Southern Appalachian International Film Festival (SOAPIFF) in the Tri-Cities area of Northeast Tennessee. We have also received notice that we are contenders for awards, so keep your fingers crossed-- at least when you're not e-mailing friends and family in the area to go see the screening. :-)

A GREAT Louisville Premiere
YERT had a fantastic Louisville Premiere at the Louisville Science Center's IMAX Theatre on July 28th. Approximately 400 people saw the film at two packed screenings, filled with plenty of laughter and tears, and capped by two enthusiastic standing ovations. Check out the AUDIENCE FEEDBACK here, and at the bottom of this email. Following both screenings, Ben fielded audience questions with help from Julie (& Bailey) and co-editor Scott Irick, and The Science Center declared that "the premiere was fantastic" and that they were "glad to see an entirely new demographic in the Science Center." Who knows, we may just have to start a national Science Center tour... BIG THANKS to the Louisville Science Center for so generously giving of their time and staff to host the screenings and to the event's sponsors: The Green Building, The Louisville Film Society, and Mrs. Potter's Coffee. And a special thanks to GreenList Louisville and to the entire Louisville community for helping us get the word out!

Premiere Planning in PA, CA, TX, NY, OR, WA, DC, and Europe
We're continuing to roll out the YERT film at premieres around the country. The Pittsburgh premiere comes up next, and we'll soon be announcing premiere dates for California (San Francisco). We would also like to have premiere events in Portland (OR), Seattle (WA), New York (NY), Austin (TX), and Washington (DC), and an international premiere. Do you know organizations or individuals in these cities that you think would be helpful collaborators in creating a strong YERT premiere? Please encourage them to contact us ASAP at! And if you'd like to arrange a screening near you, wherever you are, premiere or not, you can always do that at our screening page.

Seeking Outreach Volunteers
Our team of outreach volunteers is growing, but we still need more help! Would you like to spend a couple hours each week as an outreach volunteer? Click here to sign up and we'll follow-up with you by e-mail and phone. We particularly need active grass-roots development in these states: PA, CA, TX, NY, OR, WA, DC. Sign up today!

And that's the latest news from YERT. You can join the conversation on Facebook, and we'll see you again soon!

Ben, Mark, and Julie

--- NEW Quotes from YERT's Louisville Premiere ---

"To give this film some justice, I have to say it had every aspect of an entertaining documentary, be it drama, comedy, and useful information. It makes me want to have an awesome road trip around the country and go see all the wonderful innovations being done to help our environment, but that would be oxymoronic to say the least. Thank you for all the wonderful eye-opening footage and humor you used in the film, I think the message was clear, the future is in our hands...and if we don't hold onto it, and nurture it as stewards of the land, we'll have nothing to hand down to our children." - Brian Deis, Louisville Premiere

"I loved every minute of this film! Perfect balance of information, humor, hope and a half dozed other "tags". I feel priviledged to have been to a few pre-screenings and to have given some feedback then. I hope and pray that a television series can be made of it!!" - Holly Hamilton, Louisville Premiere

"This is a movie for all generations -- it's collection of humor, environmental savvy, personal/relationship development and goal attainment creates a desire to keep watching. It's an easy movie to talk to others about, and I anticipate easily spreading the word about this movie by word of mouth, etc." - Nate Pederson, Louisville Premiere"

The audience at the Louisville Premiere. Photo courtesy of Claude Stephens.


YERT Screening w/ Ben TOMORROW in Springfield, IL


Pittsburgh Premiere of YERT: Sept. 20, 7pm