Let's protect the Clean Air Act - NOW!

We received this urgent request from our friends at 1Sky, and hope that you can help encourage key power players to stick up for the clean air act. Thanks in advance for your help!! ~MarkFrom 1Sky:

Big Oil and Dirty Coal are on the move, and they may succeed in inserting a dangerous rollback of the Clean Air Act into a Senate climate bill outline next week! We can’t allow this giveaway to big polluters to happen -- take five minutes today to call key Senate and White House leaders before 5 pm EST and urge them to protect the Clean Air Act:· Senator John Kerry (D-MA): (202) 224-2742· Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV): (202) 224-3542· Carol Browner, Director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy: (202) 456-1414After you call, use this link to report on how your calls went: http://action.1sky.org/signUp.jsp?key=1916. Thanks for standing up for the Clean Air Act!


New Video for Earth Day: The Transition Movement!


Get out and enjoy nature! (like this guy)