And the Sundance results are...

We finally received the results from Sundance and they are:YERT was not accepted......but all is certainly not lost. (In fact they only took one environmental documentary film out of nearly 10,000 total submissions.) This just makes all of you, our grassroots supporters, all the more important. In fact, we're convinced more than ever that the feature film will move countless environmentalists to action-- both new and battle-tested activists alike. We just need a little more time to get it ready for prime time. We're seriously examining the possibility of self-distribution, but we need to collect more information to do it well.Please take our "YERT MARKETING SURVEY" by answering 10 quick questions here: a thank you, we'll give away five YERT ChicoBags to five lucky survey responders, selected at random.Our submission to Sundance was very rough and incomplete-- nothing compared to what we expect to create with a little more time (and money). Now we have our sights set on several other solid festivals - SXSW, Florida, and Tribeca. While the film remains far from done, we'll keep whittling away at it until it finds its way successfully out into the world.In the meantime, stay tuned for continued updates and thank you for helping us get this far. And don't forget to fill out the YERT MARKETING SURVEY! Holidays,Ben, Julie, and MarkP.S. Many thanks to our awesome unpaid marketing intern, Vidya Sarma from Chicago, for assembling the survey!


POSITION AVAILABLE: YERT Eco-Film Marketing Intern


YERT Endorses David Kroodsma for Hopenhagen!