See YERT in LA and SF!

Hey, YERTians!Mark is visiting California right now, giving all sorts of presentations to drum up support for our upcoming feature film-- that's right, the YERT feature film that Ben and Scott are constantly improving from their awesome editing lair in Louisville, KY!Please invite your Californian friends and family to either one of our public events...In this update message you'll find details about:* Public YERT Event in Los Angeles on Wednesday, 11/11/09* Public YERT Event in the San Francisco Bay Area on Friday, 11/13/09* YERT @ Sony Pictures, All Saints Church in Pasadena, and USC!* Calling all Colleges!Public Event in the Los Angeles AreaMark will be giving a live YERT presentation on Wednesday, 11/11/09, 7pm, at a private residence in Pasadena. The presentation will include a tiny "sneak-peek" snippet from our feature film! Space is limited, but if you would like to attend, please contact and he'll share the address with you.Public Event in the San Francisco Bay AreaMark will also be giving a live YERT presentation on Friday, 11/13/09, 7pm, at a private residence in El Sobrante, CA (outside of Berkeley). Similar to the LA event, we will be including a tiny "sneak-peek" snippet from our feature film! If you would like to attend, please contact and he'll share the address with you.Other YERT Events in CAA couple months ago we were delighted to be invited to present about the YERT project to Sony Pictures here in LA. So we combined that opportunity with a few others that were brewing and flew on out! One of those other opportunities was at All Saints Church in Pasadena, a powerful progressive Episcopal church community-- that Mark attended while he lived in Los Angeles from 2002-2004. That presentation took place last Sunday and was very well received-- leading to a couple of additional events including a presentation opportunity at USC!Calling All Colleges!We continue to build momentum for YERT and the film. A few weeks ago we had a GREAT presentation for the college students attending the Pennsylvania Power Shift conference. Inspired by that success, and all of the other extraordinary college events we have participated in during the last few years, we would like to reach out to EVERY SINGLE COLLEGE in America for a YERT presentation and/or a screening of our feature and short films. Our two marketing interns are working on how to build out that campaign, but if you have contacts inside ANY college in America-- particularly environmentally clue-having contacts-- we'd love to hear from you. Also, if you know people who lead organizations that work with multiple colleges on environmental issues, please connect us up! This will take a monumental but extremely worthwhile effort, and we need your help. We must inspire a new generation to take on this sustainability challenge and kick it in the butt-- with tenacity AND joy! If you have suggestions/contacts/ideas, please send them to . THANKS!We are also getting low in the funds available to pay for Scott's editing time-- and that's with Mark and Ben *still* working for free! If you can spare a bit of your hard-earned money to keep this YERT project liquid, we'd be thrilled AND we'll add you to the growing list of over 80 people on our "Awesome Donor" list .Thanks for all of your continued support, and hopefully I'll see you at a YERT event soon!YERTfully Yours,Mark (and Ben and Julie)P.S. Ben was scheduled to join me here in CA, but his family in Kentucky has been temporarily knocked down by the flu, so he was needed at home-- that, and there is an infinite mass of editing to do. ;-) Thanks for kickin' butt on the home front, Ben!


YERT in CA - Full Report!


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