Can you help us get a Webby?

YERT will be applying for a Webby award this year-- but first need to raise $255 in donations for the application fee. Can you help?To donate, go to traveled to all 50 states in one year to document fun and uplifting stories about sustainability across the country. You've contributed thousands of dollars to keep us afloat. Now we're working hard to get more eyeballs on the project to expand support for the feature film! One way we hope to do that is to apply for a Webby award (like a Grammy, but for the web). If nominated, we'll get thousands of new visitors to the site, many of whom will walk away with a different perspective about the environmental movement. If we WIN, then thousands more will see how serious we are about having fun with sustainability.We think we've got the right stuff to get nominated, and even to win-- we just need some funding help in order to apply. $255 of funding to be exact.Can you contribute $10 to help us change the public's perception of the environmental movement? To introduce YERT to thousands of new eyeballs?To donate, go to you for your continued support!Humbly Yours,Mark, Ben, and Julie (The YERT Team)(To learn more about the Webby Awards, click here: . We'll be applying in the Online Film and Video category for Documentary:Series.)


POSITION AVAILABLE: Eco-Film Marketing Intern


YERT Submits Feature Film to Sundance!