Action Alert: NO-Impact Man needs our help! (particularly New Yorkers!)

For those of you who are unfamiliar, "No-Impact Man" is Colin Beavan, a New Yorker who began an experiment over a year ago to make NO IMPACT on the environment. He and his little family have been living as sustainably as possible ever since, and he has been documenting the whole thing with daily blogs...this comes down to toilet paper, people. He is serious, and his experiment is fascinating!

Now, Colin is meeting with NY Congressman, Jerrold Nadler, intending to impress upon him the importance of timely change based on science instead of politics. This is the kind of thing we all need to be doing but don't have the time or the energy or the will or the focus, with so much going on in our daily lives, and Colin has made it his mission. Thank Goodness.
Support is fast and easy by email. Just go to the blog, read the prewritten letter of support and, if you are on board, PLEASE sign your name to the end and return to him via the email he provides. I urge you to join me in supporting what, I believe, is a very good cause.
Thank you for your efforts, beautiful people!

YERT is WWOOFING! (and we have almost no Internet)


YERTpod26: Gambling on Water in Nevada