Update from the road...

YERTians,Just wanted to send a note out to the world to let you all know that we're still on the road-- and we miss Julie's blogging skills! We've got all sorts of blog entries backed up and waiting for the light of day, including...- Blue Green Alliance interviews in Ohio- A Subaru plant creating zero landfill waste in Indiana.- A localvore challenge in Wisconsin, complete with local beer and cheese. And fresh fried cheese curds.- Eco-innovations, games, foods, and ideas in Minnesota.- A methane, wind, and solar-powered landfill in North Dakota. And kite surfing on grass.We're currently visiting our 46th state (just 4 more to go!), which happens to be North Dakota, and tomorrow we head into South Dakota. Then on to Wyoming, Montana, and then Alaska. Rest assured that we'll keep at this YERT stuff well after the travels are complete. We still have a zillion videos to edit and we'll be posting those for months after the trip is done. We'll be expanding our outreach efforts and work to align ourselves with people and organizations pursuing similar goals. We are also planning to produce "YERT the Movie," a feature film to share the highlights of the YERT year. And there will be all sorts of fun ways to get more YERTy, like transcribing videos, raising funds, hosting YERT parties, selling YERT ChicoBags, blogging about YERT stories, and, of course, creating a tidal wave of enthusiasm that pushes YERT onto Oprah. Or Letterman. Or Colbert.We are also planning to have a few YERT finale events around the country. Right now it looks like there will be events in Seattle, WA, San Francisco, CA, and Pittsburgh, PA. We'll be announcing dates and venues soon.In the meantime, we'd love to hear from you. During our finale events we'll be sharing stories from YOU, our faithful YERTians, about all the ways that this has been an environmental year for you. Has the YERT adventure caused you to change a habit? Go a little greener? Or not? Whatever the case may be, we'd love to hear from you about it all. We'll post the best stories to our blog, and may even include some in our videos and film. Send your stories to team@yert.com. Include a photo of you being extra green if you're extra motivated. :-)That's all for tonight. The longer we travel the more challenging it is to stick to the rigors of this road-tripping schedule, so just to keep up we have to sleep a little more. Exercise a little more. Work a little less. Thanks for sticking with us through it all. This is only the beginning...Cheerio,Mark


YERTpod26: Gambling on Water in Nevada


KY: YERTmama's first foray into growing food in the backyard...