Maybe Ben's not showering in 12 dys makes up for the amount of garbage that is filling the trash here at home...

YERT mama checking in on the site...and just noticing from the shower checker that YERT daddy has not taken a shower in 12 dys.I can honestly say that I left the road part of the trip just in time.I have been home for just about 10 dys now. Last weekend, I accompanied my brother Tony and his wife Heather here in Louisville as they picked up red wrigglers (worms!) from Breaking Grounds (related to Heine Bros Fair Trade Organic Coffee). Tony and Heather were the first people to buy worms from the newly established compost/wormery, along with another Louisville lady. I interviewed Brian B, the new worm wrangler, and got a first hand look at worm eggs which i had never studied so closely before. I hope to start volunteering on Sundays, bringing worms to the ignorant masses...At home, we are finding the NO GARBAGE challenge to be nearly impossible. Firstly, we have a lot of food to use up in Mom's fridge and cabinets that is highly packaged and, secondly, there are certain things that Mom cannot get on board with yet. I have to learn to be gentle or this will be fruitless. She did not sign on for the YERT experience. Hiding her papertowels and kleenexes and chiding her for flushing the toilet is, so far, not charming her. I have got to be more creative and maybe come up with a way of making NO TRASH more fun.So far, I think it is mainly annoying. For both of us. I just didn't realize how much easier it is to make no trash when you are all 3 dedicated and you are eating out half the time and not absorbing the waste that comes from restaurant food...or from the households that are so kindly offering us to partake in their juice, milk and cereal......To be continued...


YERTmama checks in with garbage on the homefront...


YERT Blert 3: Breaking In 9 Months Out