Day 279: babymama in training, checking in from upstate NY...

Girl is getting tired! Whoo doggy. Pregnancy brain has taken over and I don't concentrate on anything besides baby names, birthing options, and breastfeeding ... kind of funny bc I'm not really to a point to do any of those things yet ... and as I am daily getting bigger and bigger... watching my belly burgeoning and counting the days before I can get out of the car, i remember that i am supposed to be blogging about the trip and researching something other than how many kicks are supposed to be felt every hour...I missed most of DC cause I was in Louisville drinking sweet goo for the prenatal check for getstational diabetes. Highlights were that American Airlines waylaid my luggage (it showed up the next day at Mom's) and that the nurses forgot me in the waiting area and I had to come back the next day and drink the sticky stuff a second time right before getting on the plane back to DC. Anyway, the only pics I have are of Ben and I on the National Mall on our last day before heading North.So - today was a day of making phone calls and sending emails, for things in upstate NY and also NYC. No bites yet, but very excited to get an email back from Robin Nagle (an anthropology professor at NYU who has really done some interesting study of garbage in the Big Apple). Unfortunately, it looks like our paths will not cross this time through NYC...Perhaps we will find her again on this journey? Majora Carter also looks to be out of town for the week we are in NYC, and other people we've contacted have yet to respond, so we may have to reassess our options. We'll probably try to get to Ithaca tomorrow and see what we can see, regardless of who calls us back from there. Fingers crossed.Right now Ben is still working on graphics, Mark has gone to bed and I am still feeling happy for the Kansas Jayhawks' NCAA victory over Memphis, and super grateful for this tiny kiddo brewing away in-belly...


Day 280: NY: spending hours in Ithaca...


Back to Days 197-199: Wild Wild Wind in Texas...