Day 250: YERT Squert update! baby love...

So, for those of you who may not have gleaned from previous blogs (or my facebook page), WE ARE GROWING A GIRL!!! I flew home to KY at 19 weeks to have some checkups, one with a midwife at the farm and one at the ob/gyn office. Here is our little one giving us her sweet profile at 2nd ultrasound...i think she is pretty already...(and I really hope I am seeing the Evans chin)...Actually, we considered not having the 2nd ultrasound because, at my checkup at The Farm, our midwife suggested that we research "ultrasounds and autism" before we agreed to have another one done. So, of course, I panicked and googled and read and tried to absorb. Ben read, too, and we both felt worried enough to say Let's skip it. Even though the fact is that nobody knows WHAT is causing the increased incidence of autism in kids in this country. It's not that ultrasounds are indicated, exactly - it's more like they can't be been ruled out.Day of my appointment in KY, I called the nurse to let her know our decision not to have the test but Nurse convinced me otherwise. She said this was THE ultrasound, the "anatomical" ultrasound, where they check to see if the baby has all its parts, both lobes of the brain, all 4 chambers of the heart, etc.... So i said ok. I have to say, I felt really sort of happy. I wanted to see our baby again, wanted to be reassured, as I hadn't started feeling any real movements yet at 19 weeks, and I worried that she was still alive in there. Plus I wanted to know if she was a boy or a girl, even though I was pretty sure she was a she. Which she is! And getting bigger every day. Of course, no I actually get to FEEL her moving around, which is the BEST.Just wanted to let everyone know that I DID in fact build her a onesie out of Ben's underpants, but I was wrong: it took 2 pairs, not just one. And the eyelets were not a part of his underpants before I made the little outfit. Here it is, front & back. And yes, moms, that is a snap closure. Made in SC, with love, from Daddy's underpants. Baby girl's underpantsuit. Will she hate us for this? Not for awhile, anyway...


YERTpod23: Bioneering Change in California and Beyond


Days 240, 241: Atlanta Pt II: More Atlanta, Serenbe and YERT on the Weather Channel!