Day 193: Eureka, Arkansas: Hormonal female checking in...

Boys, you can skip this part if it bores you - Like yesterday's blog, this is much less of an update or travelog and much more like reading a pregnant lady's journal...The big thing I am worrying about now on this trip (that i wasn't worrying about as much when it was just me I was feeding) is what i am putting into my system every day. I have made it a point to discover what is in foods but when you are eating a lot of your meals in restaurants, it is really hard to know...I aim to avoid all things unnatural but, since we are not finding Farmer's Markets so far this winter, I don't really know how to do this without making/accepting garbage!!!p.s. Scary FACTS:Canned food has bisphenol-A.Meat generally has antibiotics and hormones added."Fresh" veggies and fruits served at most restaurants have pesticides in them, and aren't as healthful since they have had all their fighters (antioxidants) bred out of them.Tap water has chlorine and flouride, among other chemicals.Seriously. I feel like i would have to live at home catching rainwater eating out of my own garden in order to be sure not to contaminate my unborn child any more than i already have by living the life i've lived so far on this planet...The challenges we have made for ourselves on this roadtrip are wonderful and yet we haven't been able to accept the challenge of eating all local and organic...we are not made of money and we are traveling all over the country so we have to sometimes take what we can get...and it is not always so good for us. It sometimes means Ruby Tuesdays salad bar or Chipotle's bean burritos or some random truckstop's grilled cheese sandwich with cottage cheese on the side...It will never mean McDonalds but it is NOT how I would feed myself were I in my own home, buying organic food for us at our local health food store, recycling milk jugs and yogurt cups.So. a bit frustrated, I am trying not to worry too too much about the effects that my imperfect diet is having on our little beano's nascent development, as I continue taking vitamins and finding sleep when I can. I know that global warming is a sign of change that we wish would slow way down but, to me, spring can never some fast enough..and this year is no different. All i can say is Thank God we are in the south, and hopefully we will start seeing some farmer's markets soon.Next stop: Dallas. If anyone happens to know of any great organic eateries there, please give a holler...


New Video - YERT Conversation 19.1: Solar Roadways


Day 191: julie caves in a moment of weakness (blaming pregnancy...again!)