New Video - YERTpod18: A Peek at Park(ing) Day in Utah

Dear YERTians,

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you find a tiny park stationed on a road in downtown Salt Lake City. Filling a parking space. Police walk by to make sure that there are quarters in the meter. There are. All is well, for now.

Just another day in the life of a relatively new eco-artistic tradition called Park(ing) Day, started up by a San Francisco-based art collective known as “REBAR.” The idea debuted in 2005 as a creative mind-bending art project designed to make you think twice about public spaces. And it works. At least twice.

YERT was delighted to find ourselves in a Park(ing) Day city ON Park(ing) Day! We drove downtown and met up with the Park(ing) People, and did things that we never imagined possible in a busy city street: touch football, croquet, sitting on a bench, strolling barefoot through the grass, chillin’ on a stump, and making all sorts of new friends. Oh yes—we breathed in a fair amount of car exhaust, too. But it was worth it. Julie won her first game of croquet that day.

Charmed by Sod,

Mark, Ben, and Julie (Your YERT Team)

P.S. And now for the Breadcrumbs! If you’d like to find out more information, check out the links below…

  • Here is a little blurb about REBAR, straight from the Park(ing) Day website: “REBAR is a San Francisco-based art collective. Much like a DJ samples recorded sounds, REBAR appropriates elements of the physical/cultural world and remixes them into novel contexts. By “remixing the landscape” in this way, the group exposes new meanings and alters assumptions about our shared environment. REBAR projects engage social, ecological, and cultural processes as they unfold materially in space and time. While the group’s work can be used or interpreted as playful, ridiculous, or absurd, it is also highly functional. REBAR remixes the ordinary, repurposes the ubiquitous, and rebuilds with invisible structural material . . . much like rebar itself.”
  • Park(ing) day is also organized by The Trust for Public Land, and Public Architecture. If you’re not sure what a land trust is good for, go back and review YERTpod10: Seeding is Believing in Vermont.
  • The event got some great press, with articles written by The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.



Day 152-154: NM Part II: Embracing Truth of Permanent Culture


Day 149-150: New Mexico, Part 1: Seeds of Change