New Video - YERT Conversation 14.1: Simple Living 101

Dear YERTians,

Howdy! We have a special pre-holiday conversation to share with you— something that we hope you’ll watch before you launch into your Thanksgiving weekend. This YERT Conversation takes a peek at voluntary simplicity, and we hope it helps you find a little extra free time and peace of mind in the weeks ahead.

During our trek through Iowa we met with Gerald Iversen, National Coordinator of Alternatives for Simple Living, and picked his brain for ways that we could simplify our lives without giving up that which matters most. What matters most? Jerry tells us in the video. Find out if you agree…

Thankfully Yours,

Mark, Julie, and Ben (Your YERT Team)

P.S. And now for Breadcrumbs! If you want to learn more about the topics in this video, check out these resources:

  • If you want to consume less and live more, you can also explore the resources made available by The Center for a New American Dream. They have great ideas for keeping the holidays simple, and their stated mission is… “The Center for a New American Dream helps Americans consume responsibly to protect the environment, enhance quality of life, and promote social justice.”
  • Check out a great series on American Public Media called “Consumed.” Find this and all sorts of other resources for the sustainable-minded seeker here.
  • Morgan Spurlock of “Super Size Me” fame, recently produced a film called “What Would Jesus Buy?” It was scheduled for release on 11/16/07, and it may be ready for your viewing pleasure at a theater near you! It is definitely on our simple little list of things to do this holiday season. The official website is here.
  • And a smart article by Mother Jones about credit card companies, and the role they play in the upcoming presidential election.



FW to Happy Thanksgiving


Day 128-131: San Francisco Green Festival