New Video - YERTpod13: Solar Decathlon

Dear YERTians,

Hello! This is Bioneers weekend, so we're very happy but also swamped and not sleeping too much. That said, still want to share a little eco-love with you all. Our latest video focuses on the Solar Decathlon going on RIGHT NOW in Washington D.C.

What is the Solar Decathlon? Well, according to their website, "The Solar Decathlon joins 20 college and university teams in a competition to design, build, and operate the most attractive and energy-efficient solar-powered house." During our brief exploration of the MIT and Illinois houses, we were impressed by the clean, thoughtful, minimalist designs. A small, well-designed home really could feel sufficient-- even luxurious! This insight reminded us about what we learned during a visit to Ted Owens' perfect little home in Albuquerque, New Mexico (pre-YERT): it isn't the size of the home, but how you design and use every single feature within it that counts most!

Three cheers for intelligent, voluntary simplicity!!

Cheerfully Yours,

Mark, Julie, and Ben (Your YERT Team)



Day 105-107: CA: Los Angeles: Desalination solution? and Greening the Ports


Quick report from Bioneers