Hello again little blog...from NH

Wow. Been a little while since I've blogged. Time to hop back on here. It was a real scorcher here in Concord, NH today - the mercury hit 100. It's no wonder water seems to keep rearing its head as an issue. Today was spent mostly holed up at a Panera Bread trying to get wi-fi, cell service, and dodge the heat. However, this evening we had a wonderful interview with Dana Bisbee, a lawyer in NH who's worked on environmental issues both in government and in the private sector for the last several decades. Good stuff. Yesterday we interviewed Jim Wilfong, a groundwater rights expert who used to work for Clinton, and later we listened to Amy Goodman's recent piece on the brewing backlash against bottled water. We've had a heady couple of days..."water water everywhere." Oh, we also summited Mount Washington yesterday (albeit, in Rachel - sadly, time constraints forced us to use the road which felt like a carbon-intensive cop-out, but at least now we know we'll make it over the Rockies). The weather at the top was surprisingly benign given that the peak is known for having the world's worst weather - an all-time top sustained windspeed of 231mph. It's easy to spot the shack that the scientists huddled in to measure that windspeed as it's chained to the ground. It'd be a great place for wind turbines on crack.Incidentally, Maine was pretty darn cool. As was Massachusetts. And Rhode Island. But it's late now and I'm getting "the eye", so I'll have to blog retroactively about those states later in between planning and editing. Waaaaahhhhh....And now, a limerick:There once was a boy from MaineWho fished near a papermill drainHe believed that dioxin was hardly a toxinBut these days he's got water on the brain


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